Luxury Indulge Retreats Our 3 Day Indulge Retreats are a short escape from the world to be pampered, unwind, no cooking, no cleaning... it's all about you! This is for ladies who would like to escape the stresses and pressures of everyday life to take time to focus on themselves; to improve their health, happiness and well being in a stunning luxury environment secluded in the Papamoa hills. Opt for an Indulge Package and enjoy the sumptuous feeling of hours of pampering, soak in the geothermal pools or just relax in your free time.
Beauty Treatments For Those Attending Retreats Beauty treatments are available on request and often quite in demand, however they are subject to beauty therapist availability. To avoid disappointment, we recommend booking individual treatments well in advance of your arrival. If you are planning to get spoiled during your stay, we recommend purchasing an Indulge Package, which provides a "beauty credit" of one hour per day, to be "spent" as you wish. For example, if an Indulge Package for a 3 day retreat was purchased, the customer would have 3 hours worth of treatments to use up as they wish. Depending on the treatments chosen, an Indulge Package can provide significant savings. Scheduling of treatments for this package must be done offline by administration.